Traditional Sauna


  • Sauna use can lead to increased heart rate and circulation, similar to the effects of moderate-intensity exercise. Regular sauna sessions may contribute to improved cardiovascular health by enhancing blood flow, lowering blood pressure, and supporting heart function.

  • Sauna exposure, particularly heat acclimation, can increase heat tolerance and endurance in hot conditions. This effect may benefit athletes and individuals training in heat.

  • Sauna sessions can promote relaxation and stress reduction by triggering the release of endorphins and promoting a sense of well-being. Regular use may help manage stress and improve mental resilience.

  • Sweating in a sauna can facilitate the removal of toxins and metabolic waste products from the body through the skin. This detoxification process may support overall health and well-being.

  • Heat from saunas can help alleviate muscle tension and reduce pain associated with conditions like muscle soreness, arthritis, and chronic pain.

  • Sauna use, especially in the evening, can raise the body's core temperature, which subsequently drops after leaving the sauna. This drop in body temperature may promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

  • Sauna-induced sweating can cleanse the skin by opening and unclogging pores, potentially reducing acne and promoting clearer, healthier skin.

FAQ Related to Sauna

  • Also known as, a traditional sauna, it uses a heater (electric) to heat the air in a wood-paneled room. The air temperature in traditional Finnish saunas ranges from 160 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. We keep ours around 185. The superheated air is what heats your body through the process of conduction.

  • With the temperature that we keep our traditional saunas, we recommend 5-20 minutes, but it’s important to work up to longer temperatures. A healthy body has the ability to adapt, but it takes multiple sessions. It’s important if you feel light-headed, dizzy, or short of breath to exit the sauna immediately.

  • Saunas are safe for healthy and active individuals when used responsibly. If you have any hesitation about the safety of using a sauna due to health conditions you should consult your doctor first. Saunas are not recommended for Pregnant persons. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult and children under the age of 14 are not allowed in traditional saunas. Elderly individuals taking prescription medications should consult a doctor or those with cardiovascular disease, hypertension/ hypotension, or chronic diseases under the care of a physician should discuss this treatment prior to scheduling. Individuals with metal pins, rods, or artificial joints should check with their physician prior to scheduling. Use of alcohol is prohibited prior to using either type of sauna. Acute joint injury, fever, or prone to bleeding should not use saunas.

  • Our Saunas are set at 180 degrees Fahrenheit

Get Started with your sauna experience today.